Water security
Addressing Water Security: Climate Impacts and adaptation responses in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean
Water security is a global issue, especially with progressive changes that affect water resources like climate change, urbanization and increasing population. In order to ensure long-term water security, it is necessary to identify appropriate and timely adaptation measures. The project “Addressing Water Security: Climate Impacts and adaptation responses in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean” was launched by UNESCO-IHP in 2014 and operated based on three lines of actions:
- Vulnerability assessment in vulnerable regions
- Awareness raising on potential water security risks
- Implementation of a global forum on climate change adaptation strategies
One of the most remarkable achievements of the project is the development of the Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA). The tool is used intensively in later projects. Multiple training workshops were organized in both English and Spanish for capacity building.
For more information about the project, please find the Accomplishment report.